Bluejay used to live with 7 guys in a house nicknamed the Lodge. It usually smelled like he lived with 15 guys. But we were young and in love so I didn't care. I still went over. One day, Bluejay and I went for a bike ride on the trails near his house. Afterward, we had our favorite date- McDonalds $1 ice-cream and a Redbox movie. When I said we were young and in love, I forgot to mention POOR. We were poor, young, and in love. I suppose most of that is still true. Anyways, summer turned to fall and quickly to winter. Then we got engaged and married. One day, we decided to take another bike ride. We looked all over for my bike. It was no where to be found. We looked at the Lodge for my bike. It was gone. Sad day.
Fast forward three years. I found a pair of cheap really cheap cruisers on Amazon. They had all my bicycle non-negotiables: cute color, basket, splash guard, cup holder, and white walled tires. Yep, they were perfect. And while my friend, Adina, teased me about how they must be fake or miniature based on the price, they arrived in the mail full sized! According to Amazon, the colors of the bikes are raspberry and blueberry. We've lovingly nicknamed them "Rasp-baby" and "Blue-baby" because of how my adorable niece, Eliot, used to pronounce raspberry and blueberry. We've had so much fun riding around town. Especially now that its FINALLY spring! We love riding to the Library to borrow a book and then to our favorite cafe to sit at the outdoor patio and read. We've even stopped by the Farmer's Market with our bikes. So fun! The only problem is that even with the seat as low as possible, I can't even come close to touching the ground. I have to hop off the seat every time we stop. Darn you short legs!