

I first met Lacey a couple months ago at a steak dinner at Bluejay's work. Because I didn't know anyone, I sorta hung around my Bluejay and didn't talk to many people. If I'm honest, that and I was busy stuffing my face with juicy steak and beer, but I'll rather say that Bluejay was my security blanket of sorts. I'd rather be called a "Linus" than a glutton ha ha. Anyways, Lacey came and sat at the table. She was so cute and cheery. She wasted no time in telling me all the goofy things that Bluejay has done or said at work. None of which were a huge surprise. Lets just say that I knew what I was getting into when I married that fellow! It wasn't her adorably sweet personality that captured my attention- it was her GORGEOUS bluey/greeny/hazely eyes. Yes, those are real colors in my world. Like I was saying, her eyes were so spectacular that I momentarily forgot my steak and became obsessed with getting those eyes in front of my lens. This week, my dream came true! As it turns out, Lacey is an actress. After a couple weeks of Bluejay bragging about me (He's my biggest fan! Love you baby!) and Lacey doing a bit of blog stalking (which I am all in favor of), she decided she needed some head shots for her acting portfolio. When she showed up on Sunday, she made two really good choices- a teal sweatshirt that made her eyes POP and red cowboy boots. Who doesn't love red cowboy boots? I've been told by Bluejay that I'm not allowed to love them. Apparently I have too many boots already? I didn't know that was possible. Ever since I posted the sneak peek earlier this week, Lacey has been BEGGING for more. So here you go, Lace. Enjoy!