
Gavin {ducklings}

I guess those last six months really have flown by! Six months ago, I shot these photos of six month old Gavin. Now he is a one year old! I love repeat clients. Especially of kiddos because I get to see how much they've grown and changed. Gavin is now on the verge of walking, taking a few teetering steps at a time. He loves to climb stairs, play with his sock monkey and toy airplane, and eat cake. Lucky for him, we did ALL of that for his one year photo session. As much fun as we had planned, his little stubbornness came out a bit. He was determined not to smile or even acknowledge I was there with my big black camera. But we tricked him. All it took was some weird noises (from me), a couple games of peek-a-boo, and being tossed in the air by mom and dad. He may not have been his typical smiley self, but we still got some really cute photos. Mom, Dad, enjoy! I'm sure you had one tired little boy after all of this!
Gavin was a big fan of the sled. Who wouldn't be! This looks fun!
He thought it was awfully funny when mom would throw snow in front of him.
We were getting one sleepy kiddo. So we sped things up and gave him some birthday cake!
He wanted to share his cake with Mommy and Daddy!