Today is one of my favoritest person's birthday... my little sister! Stacey and I are unbelievably close. She is without a doubt my best friend. We know everything there is to know about each other. We have the same personality. We can laugh for hours about the simplest things. We have inside joke after joke. I just love her. Like crazy. Bluejay and I got to take her out for coffee and a cupcake at one of our favorite little shops, aptly named, Cupcake. It was the perfect Autumn day to celebrate a birthday!
The wind blew out her candle before she could. But another match later and we were back in buisness with singing her the birthday song.
We got her a L.A. Dodgers hat and shirt because CA is our home away from home now... and because she spent her summer in Santa Monica and made some very dear friends.
Bluejay got a new hat too! It's a Blue Jays hat!
We had a lovely day! I love you, Stacey!!! Happy Birthday!