
Finley {ducklings}

The drive up to baby Finley's house was amazing! It's Autumn in Mn as all that entails. Crisp cool air, bright blue sky, fiery red and orange leaves about to fall from the trees. It was beautiful! But even all that beauty didn't prepare me for how sweet and preciously adorable baby Finley is! Her nearly six pound two week old body is so dainty and tiny it hardly seemed possible for her to have as much personality. Her parents are going to have their hands full with her as she already is a firecracker and has a mind of her own. She was the most awake and alert newborn I've ever photographed and was just stubborn enough to stay that way despite all our attempts to get her to sleep. She even "sabotaged" our different poses with a variety bodily fluids. We all had a really good laugh about it! But really, she was so cute and I wanted take her home with me! Enjoy these photos from Firecracker Finley!