
Summer vs. Autumn

If summer and autumn got in a fist fight, I'm really not sure who would win?!?! They're both so great! First of all, summer is famous for her sunny sweet disposition and endless evenings that smell like BBQ and fresh fruit. Autumn, however, is home to crisp cool days, even crisper apples, and scarves. I love so much about both seasons. The good news is that I live in Minnesota. That means that one day (like Wednesday) it can be so hot and humid that the windows of the house fog up! And two days later (like today) the weather will be cold and rainy and gloomy and full of Autumn-ness. Even though I am looking forward to Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte's, trips to the apple orchard, wearing scarves, boots and leather coats, and college football games, I am definitely going to miss my summer skin, rainbow flip flops, coldpress coffee, camping and sundresses. So in recognition of the changing of seasons, here is my ode to summer gone in my favorite way... photos!