Over the past couple years, I have developed a bad habit of pointing out cute babies to Bluejay and telling him that I want to steal them. It's not really my fault. Some people make really REALLY cute babies! They are pretty much asking for it! Cute babies make my ovaries jump and wish that I was knocked up. But since I don't really want to HAVE a kid right now, I'll settle with pretend stealing them in my mind :)
The first Sunday morning that we were in California, we went to my Dad's church. There were so many cute kids that day, but one stood out. Maybe it was his baby soft brown curls or his chocolate colored eyes or his teeny tiny green converse shoes. Whatever it was, I want to hug him... and run! Later that week, Bluejay came home from a men's event at the church and told me that he met the dad, Tim, of that super cutie kiddo. A few days later, Bluejay introduced me to Tim and Stephenny and their adorable son Solomon. My heart melted when little Solomon said, "Hi Mindy" and then buried his head in his dad's shoulder from embarrassment. Too cute! As it turns out, Tim and Stephenny are like our new best friends! They're our Californian buddies. We hung out several times and each time I realized how much Stephenny and I had in common. Over lunch one day we chatted about sewing, our love of tea pots and taking photos (of random things like tea pots and dishes haha), and our desire to see people love Jesus more and more. Tim and Stephenny are having their second son in the beginning of January. I'm so excited to meet the new baby and I'm super glad it's another boy because CLEARLY they make the most adorable sons! I'm still trying to convince Bluejay that we need to visit California in the winter, now that we have some new fun friends there, I think I have even more bargaining chips than just going to visit family haha.
Tim and Steph: We love you guys and felt so blessed to get to know you this month! Can't wait to hang out more and more when we come to California! Give Solomon the biggest hug for me!

Stephenny's cute baby bump!

Stephenny and Solomon do something called "bump". Basically Solomon comes up to "kiss" the baby in the tummy and then Steph "bumps" him. It was hilarious! Solomon laughed so hard!

We had to take a juice break. This kid LOVES his juice!

Mr. Sneaky sneaking sips of mom and dad's fun sodapop!

The first Sunday morning that we were in California, we went to my Dad's church. There were so many cute kids that day, but one stood out. Maybe it was his baby soft brown curls or his chocolate colored eyes or his teeny tiny green converse shoes. Whatever it was, I want to hug him... and run! Later that week, Bluejay came home from a men's event at the church and told me that he met the dad, Tim, of that super cutie kiddo. A few days later, Bluejay introduced me to Tim and Stephenny and their adorable son Solomon. My heart melted when little Solomon said, "Hi Mindy" and then buried his head in his dad's shoulder from embarrassment. Too cute! As it turns out, Tim and Stephenny are like our new best friends! They're our Californian buddies. We hung out several times and each time I realized how much Stephenny and I had in common. Over lunch one day we chatted about sewing, our love of tea pots and taking photos (of random things like tea pots and dishes haha), and our desire to see people love Jesus more and more. Tim and Stephenny are having their second son in the beginning of January. I'm so excited to meet the new baby and I'm super glad it's another boy because CLEARLY they make the most adorable sons! I'm still trying to convince Bluejay that we need to visit California in the winter, now that we have some new fun friends there, I think I have even more bargaining chips than just going to visit family haha.
Tim and Steph: We love you guys and felt so blessed to get to know you this month! Can't wait to hang out more and more when we come to California! Give Solomon the biggest hug for me!
Solomon LOVES to draw. So much so that he even draws in the dirt with sticks. His favorite thing to draw? Pretend cakes and tacos! I'm thinking future artist... or chef?

Stephenny's cute baby bump!

Stephenny and Solomon do something called "bump". Basically Solomon comes up to "kiss" the baby in the tummy and then Steph "bumps" him. It was hilarious! Solomon laughed so hard!

We had to take a juice break. This kid LOVES his juice!

Mr. Sneaky sneaking sips of mom and dad's fun sodapop!