A little over a year ago, Bluejay and I moved into my parents home, as they had moved to California and their house was still for sale. It was a sweet deal! We took care of the house and cleaned it for numerous showings and in return we got really REALLY cheap rent! (Thanks mom & dad!) Well, the house sold about a month ago. So in the middle raising support and going to staff training, we have also been packing up everything we own and frantically searching for a place to live! Slowly but surely we have checked things off our "to-do" list. We found a place to live that is with-in walking distance to Northwestern College Campus. We'll be renting in the house of some friends who are building a studio loft above their garage. It's really tiny, but cute. It has HUGE windows and tall ceilings! Way better than an apartment! We're calling it the Johnson Dorm on account of it's size. I'm learning all sorts of space saving tricks. For instance, we traded our queen size bed for my parents nice kitchen table and then we got a sofa bed from IKEA to serve as both our couch and our bed. I'm sure I'll post pictures of our new place once we're in and settled. But it won't be done being built until Oct. So off to California we go with my parents so that we aren't homeless and because one of my dear friends is getting married and I wouldn't miss her wedding for the world! It's going to be adorable!
I was quite a nostalgic morning as we said goodbye to the house and drove away. I thought of all the memories made there. My parents bought the house just before Bluejay and I started dating almost 5 years ago. We had our first kiss in the living room. I remembered the countless movie nights in the basement. I thought about family Thanksgiving's Christmas'. Where will we celebrate this year? I reminisced about coffee chats with my mom in the kitchen and board games at the table. I thought about all the parties that my sister and I used to have. While it's strange the have my parents OFFICIALLY moved and the house sold, I am excited to get back in our own place with our own furniture and decorations. I am going to have to find all those old DOMINO magazines that I saved for inspiration! Fun! So for now, Bluejay and I are homeless and living out of a suitcase moving from place to place for the next month or so...
I was quite a nostalgic morning as we said goodbye to the house and drove away. I thought of all the memories made there. My parents bought the house just before Bluejay and I started dating almost 5 years ago. We had our first kiss in the living room. I remembered the countless movie nights in the basement. I thought about family Thanksgiving's Christmas'. Where will we celebrate this year? I reminisced about coffee chats with my mom in the kitchen and board games at the table. I thought about all the parties that my sister and I used to have. While it's strange the have my parents OFFICIALLY moved and the house sold, I am excited to get back in our own place with our own furniture and decorations. I am going to have to find all those old DOMINO magazines that I saved for inspiration! Fun! So for now, Bluejay and I are homeless and living out of a suitcase moving from place to place for the next month or so...