Bluejay and I are in California until June 17th. We drove from Phoenix to Redlands and the next morning we left for Northern California! We drove up to San Jose area to visit my Grandma, Aunt and Uncle and also a good friend. My mom wanted to stop in Santa Barbara on the way to grab coffee on the cute main street. There was this adorable bike!
People say that me, my mom and my sister look alike... I don't see it? haha. I'm pretty much my mom's clone in looks AND personality!
When we arrived in N. Ca, we had dinner with family and rushed off to my favorite place! The Stanford Theatre. I have always LOVED old movies but this is more than that. It's an experience! This restored 1920's movie house brings back Hollywood's Golden Age of theatre. Everyone in attendance laughs aloud at jokes, applauds, and sings along. It's easily my favorite N. Ca tradition! Bluejay was less than thrilled when I told him we needed to go. He has always humored my love of Classic movies and would even say that 'Singin in the Rain' is high on his list of favorites, but going to an old theatre showing old movies after a 7 hour road trip seemed like torture to him! But like a doting husband, he came anyway. Half way through the first movie, he leaned over and said, "I hate being proved wrong! This is really fun!" And that, my friends, is love! I may have even caught him smiling through the sweet romantic scenes! He's a keeper!