Happy Father's Day! I love my dad so much. He's the best! My dad taught me how to pitch a tent when camping. He taught me how to ride a bike. I remember our Daddy/Daughter breakfast dates before school. I was such a daddy's girl that when I was four, my favorite shirt was a black and yellow plaid shirt just like Daddy's. Nothing was better then a hug from daddy when sick. Or a high five from daddy when I did well in school. He would tickle me so much I'd laugh until I cried. He'd rub his scratchy beard on our faces. He tells the silliest "bald" jokes every time we say anything about hair. The best thing about my daddy is that he shows me that Jesus is more important that ANYTHING! I wanted to dedicate this post to some of my favorite photos of us together throughout the years:
This is the most recent photo I have of us all together. We took it last week when we were grabbing coffee at a cute cafe up in the Mountains in Idylwild, Ca. It was fun to sit and chat and laugh and get into deep conversations. It is a memory I will cherish forever! Sorry I can't give you a big Father's day HUG today, Daddy. But know that I love you and wish that I could! See you in a couple months!