
Why spring is my favorite... part II & Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! I am so glad that we get to spend this week with both our Mommies! Last night Bluejay played baseball for the Isanti Redbirds (pics to come). Since we are up by his mom's house, we stayed the night and are celebrating Mother's day with her. It's a beautiful sunny day full of all the wonderfully relaxing laziness that holidays entail. My mom comes in from CA on thursday and I am SO excited! I haven't seen her since Christmas! Since my parents moved away last summer, this is our first mother's day apart and I have been thinking a lot about how much I love her and am so thankful for they way she and my dad raised me. They showed me that Jesus is most important! Mom- I can't wait for coffee dates, and laughing hysterically at our silly inside jokes, and snuggling while watching old movies. You are and always have been more of a buddy than anything! Thursday can't come soon enough! Happy Mommy's day!