This weekend, my assistant, Stacey, took us out for a little maternity photo session. It's always weird to be in front of the camera for a change. I'm so used to be in charge! Here is a little sneak peek from the session. I have just started looking through the photos and will be editing more to share later. For now... Enjoy!
Dylan {ducklings}: Sneak Peek
Merry Christmas!!!
Though I am sure you are all enjoying some fabulously fun time with family and friends, I thought that I would take a second to wish you a very Merry Christmas from me and Bluejay and Baby Bird! Being pregnant at Christmas is so wonderful! It makes the real meaning of Christmas so much more real. I love that Jesus Christ was born a tiny baby; fully God AND fully man! I am thankful that he was born and lived a sinless life so that he would one day die on the cross at Calvary for that I can be forgiven of my sins! What a wonderful, miraculous plan our Lord had! Because of Jesus' life, death and resurrection, we can have eternal life! I am reminded of this truth every time I feel our little baby kick inside me and I think about Jesus kicking inside Mary all those years ago. Wow!
Merry Christmas to ALL!!!
Merry Christmas to ALL!!!