My sister, Stacey, called me last minute the other night with a two fold purpose. She wanted to come over and get her baby fix by snuggling my two week old daughter, Vivienne, and to get a couple portraits taken. She needed a few portraits for her senior show bio blurb. Of course she is lucky to have a professional photographer for a sister AND to have such an adorable new niece (more photos of her to come). We had about 4 minutes to take these photos before the sun went down. There is a lovely blooming cherry tree in front of our place, so we used that as a backdrop and ended up with some really cute photos. The light was so delicious you would have no idea that we were on a busy street lined with parked cars! Proof, once again, that location doesn't matter nearly as much as lighting! P.S. isn't Stacey just the cutest? She's so fun and full of laughter. I love her!
My friend Nina asked me if I would take a few "professional looking" photos of her for her business cards. Since she's pretty much GORGEOUS, I obviously couldn't help myself! I mean, check out her eye lashes! I swear they are about 3 feet long! And I'm not exaggerating. I don't do that. And the best part is that we got to have lunch and chat after we took a few photos. All in a days work, right?

Portrait Tribute to 2010 {sparrows}
Happy New Years! I hope yours was fabulous! I brought in the new year dressed as a pirate with a bunch of college girls from Northwestern College. It was a blast! Bluejay and I spent the week at a conference in Milwaukee for about 500 Campus Outreach students! Although it was exhausting, I loved developing relationships with students while chatting about Jesus Christ. We are so excited to go on staff with Campus Outreach and be able to chat about Jesus all the time!
I love looking back at my photos at the end of the year. I love to see how I've grown and changed as a photographer. I love to remember the wonderful moments I spent with clients who now have become friends. I love the photographed memories from my own life. I know that 2011 will be just as great if not better! I've already booked some fabulous weddings and I'm excited to travel to some fun places.
I'm going to do a few posts in tribute to my favorite photos from 2010. Here are my favorite portraits {sparrows} from 2010.