Edith is our third little girl in three years. She is surely set in the clothes department (although I have sneaked in a few sweet outfits here and there). So when it comes to baby products, there aren't too many things we needed this time around. However, as an "experienced mom", I now feel like I know the things I actually will need vs. the things that are unnecessary. The things that make having lots of littles easier vs. the things that spend more time in storage under our bed than in use (aka our giant plastic baby bath tub). I'm going to be sharing this "wisdom" with you as I find these products.
I love products with multiple uses. Products that are beautiful as well as practical. So when I came across the Native Wilds Nest, I was intrigued! I exclusively nursed my first two daughters and plan to do the same with Edith. I love breastfeeding! The snuggles, the comfort, the unique bond between Mama and Baby. It's heaven! Feeding a squirmy baby in public? Not so heavenly. Feeding a squirmy baby in public with your two and three year olds running around causing a ruckus... it's torture! I used to have a few of those nursing capes with the gaping neck. I nursed my babies in fear that a squishy little arm would grasp the flimsy fabric and pull it down or aside and expose me. The Nest is a multi-functional nursing cover, infinity scarf, car seat canopy and shopping cart cover. Because it wraps all the way around, I love the peace of mind that comes from nursing Edie under the nest. According the website, the nests are hyper-allergenic, temperature regulating, breathable, lightweight, silky soft, and have a high UV protection factor. Edith is constantly grasping the fabric. I think she is soothed by the way it feels in her hands.
We seriously use the nest daily. Whether it be for nursing while on the go, to protect our little babe from the germs of curious strangers, from the snow, and cold of winter, or as a cozy soft swaddle for a little nap. It seems like a little thing, but we LOVE it! It goes with us everywhere!